
May 14, 2012

Day 25

Long time, no blog :)

It's been a busy couple of weeks, but we've been doing falling off the bandwagon just yet :) 3 days away from the end of my 4th week since Day 1 and we're looking on track to be down around 8 pounds (averaging 2 pounds per week which I am very pleased with.)

Other than having been out for a couple runs when the weather was nice, 90%+ of what I have lost is all diet-related thus far, so I'm very excited to see how well my body will respond once regular physical activity is incorporated.

All is going well, however have definitely been tested over the past couple weeks. The avail of apple pie and ice cream cake from Mothers day was the worst...I wanted to eat a piece of ice cream cake like no one's business (for reals), however I felt really great about my control (much later that that moment I was rather miserable) when I opted out. I sure was not hungry, so it was a 100% want I was able to overcome :) Woohoo!

I hope more than anything that you have also been making positive decisions in your daily lives that you feel good about- if so, I'd love to hear from you! In the near future, one of my loveliest ladies' Heather, is going to write a guest entry for you all on her incredible journey to a better life. I don't want to spoil, so I won't say anything else for now. She is absolutely one of my biggest inspirations and I love her so much for being the beautiful human she is..truly top notch :)

There are so many great things coming up this summer I am very excited for and I'm so happy to have the energy and positive outlook to look forward to them. It seems like a really simple thing to say, but I know many of you are/were the same as me; you say no to things/ events you'd really like to go to, due to just being in a crappy state of mind. When this happens, you realize 1/2 or 3/4 through your lonely evening at home that "I should have gone!" and then you become even more miserable for having missed out on something that could have been and likely was really great. My goal this summer is to not deny myself of having a great time with people I care about. I truly believe in many cases that laughter is really the best medicine to cheering up when in need of a little cheering, as opposed to sitting home depressed and watching "The Notebook" (we've all done it...admit it!) with a box of Kleenex and a bag of chips.

Whether it's weight-related or not, I really encourage everyone to set just 1 small goal for the next week (I said small, not easy!) and really give it your best. This can be something to really motivate you and put you in the right direction towards larger goals. This 'training wheel' goal should be something that will make you feel empowered and confident, that you can be super proud of! Take a day or so to think about something really worth while and make it happen! It's all up to you- don't forget, when you make excuses no one else cares, so you need to care enough yourself not to make them to be successful in anything you want to accomplish.

As my final thought for today- for anyone that has not tried Mongolie Grill downtown Halifax- its a make it yourself stir fry place where you are 100% in control of what you eat. The price is based on weight ( all my veggie-friends, you'll also get 20% for going meat free) and an average plate is less than $15.00 which includes soup, rice and wraps. It's absolutely delicious, healthy as you'd like it to be and worth a shot. It's hands-down my #1 choice when going out for a meal, especially in a group because it has something for almost everyone.

I hope everyone has a most wonderful week and I definitely won't be waiting as long for my next post- more to come very soon :)

Much love-


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the 8 lbs lost, can't wait to get to the gym with you and see Heather's post! Weee!
