
May 03, 2012

Day 14

Good day everyone,

So we're 2 weeks in and happy to say that I'm down 5 pounds thus far. Just goes to show that you can live a normal life and still lose a few pounds on the way. In the past 2 weeks, I've eaten out in restaurants multiple times and even enjoyed a few alcoholic beverages. Even though I likely could have lost more had I eaten super clean and drank nothing but water, I am more than happy with the results. It's easy to keep going with something that works, but also that allows you to eat out and have a social life :) I'm feeling really great today and can't wait to see what the next few weeks will bring my way.

Even if your main goal is not to lose a specific amount of pounds, there is absolutely no excuse for not taking the responsibility you have for yourself (and for all of the people who love you!) to make better choices at every opportunity. The only person in control of your body and mind is you and even though the people around you can have an affect- you are the owner and ultimately the one that needs to take the first step in improving your health. I guess this is kind of my version of tough-love. Even though I may never know who exactly is reading this, I love you enough to tell you that you can do better and that you deserve better for yourself- end of story!

I've been feeling very empowered now that I'm feeling better about my choices and myself in general. The smallest changes really can make a world of difference in your success, so I'd like to take the time to tell you that you can start right now! The first step is simply admitting to yourself that you need to make a change and to take responsibility and accountability for the decisions you've made thus far in your life. There is absolutely no point at all in dwelling on the past as it will get you nowhere. Keep focus on the future and simply hold yourself accountable to every decision you make in your day.

My goal this week is to inspire at least one person to buck up and do the above. If this person is you, please let me know if you wish; I would be happy to be there to support you on the way and would love to hear about your journey; remember, I'm no expert but I figure a good amount of this stuff is such common sense that we've simply decided to ignore and put aside. The more an open dialogue is kept, the better our chances of long-term success!

I sincerely hope that I've empowered you to look at your own life and that I can be of some assistance in your journey. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and look forward to hearing from you :)

Much love-


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