
April 24, 2012

Day 6

Good day everyone,

So today is day 6. Still doing very well and feeling great! Days 3-5 I was not feeling the hottest and had lots of headaches going on as well as some belly issues. Not 100% if they're related to change in diet, but I suspect they are based on the changes I've made. It does seem as though that it's all passed now and today I feel fantastic. I'm already noticing a change in how my clothes are fitting (no bloat), my energy level is much higher and I'm sleeping way better.

I spent this past weekend away and had a wonderful time with my good friend Andrea celebrating her 35th Birthday. This weekend, I'm headed on a road trip to Montreal with friends for a dirty-30 of another friend :) Looking forward to a weekend away (again!) and not worried about straying off my plan. It's so fantastic that so many take-out places have nutritional info available. It take the guess work out of trying to estimate what you're eating as I can guarantee, unless you are a registered dietitian- you'll likely be wrong! I'm looking forward to packing a cooler of healthy snacks for the ride and sharing my new found empowerment with my friends :)

Thus far, I must say that everyone who has asked me about the program has been very supportive and willing to listen. Most people seem to think it makes good sense and are happy to hear that it's been positive so far. It's truly amazing how much getting support from your peers will assist in achieving goals; I am 100% doing this for me and no one else, but it's great to have the supplemental support system to boost the outcome even more. Big thanks to all who have been supportive!

Even though I am absolutely not claiming to be any sort of expert, I've always been more than happy to try and help people who are serious about getting healthy. The strange thing is that I've always known better, but just haven't always done better...I think this goes for a large percentage of us. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have the people who have absolutely no idea what's good and what's bad. I find, this is where people get off track big time: they end up following some terrible fad diet (ps. most 'diet' food that is pre-packaged may be 'low fat' however is filled with extra sugar and calories to make up for it and will ultimately end up making the rear even larger-just sayin'!) and sometime will lose a considerable amount of weight quickly, but at what consequence?

After a number of years of looking for 'the easy way out', I have finally admitted to myself that there is no big mystery to becoming a healthier individual. No matter what path you take, it's needs to be a 100% commitment to a lifestyle change to have any long term success. Any plan in which has a definitive end, will most certainly result in what I like to call cup-cake relapse :( I'm not trying burst any one's bubble, rather my goal is to make you realise there is no point to wasting all the hard work you put into something, if the change is not going to last. If you're not fully committed to making the change long-term, then you're not ready to lose weight. Simple as that!

If I may take a moment to vent- It really errks me when someone is super vocal about how fat they are, how unhappy, how tired, how depressed, etc...and always talk about making positive changes, but never takes the first step. Next time you sit to talk to someone about how unhappy you are with your body/life in general and the first thing you think of is after that is getting a Toonie-Tuesday with up sized cola and poutine, think again...this will make you feel good for approximately the 8 minutes it will take to scarf it down. After this step is complete, onto the indigestion/gas and last but not least (drum-roll please)....diarrhea :) All of these glorious things (prizes really!) listed will now be what you're complaining about and you'll be leaving the people around you to deal with it all...even the smell. As a courtesy to yourself and those around you, just think about what you eat, before you eat it and don't be so quick to give into temptation. The longer you're able to go without something that you may think is good now, the better you'll do at not caving in. Eventually you will cave in, but it will serve an educational purpose; what you thought tasted heavenly before will now likely taste like garbage and you'll feel like a garbage truck after you eat it ( full, impacted and ready to drop the load at the fact, you may be caught speeding on your way there!). As time passes, you'll find replacement favorites that have been waiting for you to come along, that will actually do your body some good and serve a viable purpose.

I suppose that's enough rambling for one day :) Even with the dreary weather outside, I hope everyone has a lovely afternoon! I'm meeting up with a friend at Onyx for a little martini-treat after work (I saved enoug Points+ to do so). Nothing like a good cocktail and good conversation to end a long work day. Until next time!

Much love,


April 20, 2012

Day 2

Good day readers,

So today is day number 2 following the Point Plus system and going very well. I've been eating very well have not been feeling like anything is missing. I'm drinking lots of water, and Lipton Green Tea (Purple Acai with Blueberry) to keep by taste buds busy between meals and snacks.

At first I was thinking "I've done Weight Watchers before" and successfully lost weight (and gained it back too!), but if feels different this time. That was close to 10 years ago and I think I was trying to lost the weight for the wrong reasons; I now feel mentally prepared to take this seriously enough to put all the work in. I've learned over the years that if a goal is not hard to attain, than you need to set better goals- and this time, it's for life rather than just thinking about how I'll look in my swimsuit :) I'm not looking to lose a crazy amount of weight (30ish pounds total)- I would simply like to get back to a comfortable size for my height and to feel better (I also have high blood pressure, so I'm trying my best to lower it without going on meds). Weight Watchers always suggests that you start with a goal of 10%- so 19 lbs is the first weight loss goal I have, which if I follow the plan should be attainable in 8-12 weeks, which I am content with as I am impatient, but it's also a slow enough rate that it's healthy. When weight is dropped too quickly, you're way more likely to gain it back quickly and then some- extra roll, or man-boob anyone?

This time, it's all about planning ahead to make sure I don't sabotage myself. Let me tell you, I love me some food and I don't plan on going without! I love cooking as well, so as I find recipes that I like/ have concocted, I'll be sure to post them on here with all the details you need including serving size and Points+ value.

This weekend, I'm taking one of my best friends away for the weekend to celebrate her 35th Birthday. This likely means lots of restaurants, snack food and most definitely some boozin'! I however, am prepared :) I also love to have a plan, so the whole weekend is planned out food wise (at least for me, she may certainly have what she likes). This does not mean I'll be eating 'Diet Food' either- we're planning on stopping at a small diner that has the most delicious seafood chowder for lunch tomorrow, so I've called ahead to get the nutritional details so I know what to expect. Even though it's more than I'd like to put into one meal, it's totally worth it because it's pure bliss (and cream!) What's great about the Points Plus plan is that on top of your daily allowance of points, you also get 35 bonus points that you can use anywhere in your week. Since I'll be eating in restaurants the next 2 days, I'll likely use mine up, but since it's planned out it works well. I can still enjoy my decadent chowder, have some drinks and not worry about it hindering my weight loss for the week. Now that's awesome :) Makes it super easy to stick with this new lifestyle when I'm not forced to eat like a bunny rabbit. Also this weekend, when we return to the city, we're going to Baton Rouge restaurant for dinner. What's great about chain restaurants is that 90%+ have their nutritional info online so you can make an informed decision about your choice before you get there- this take out all of the guess work and you'll be confident that you're making the best choice, rather than deciding on the spot what appears to be the healthiest option. Often what 'looks healthy' is sometimes the absolute worst thing on the menu!

With the above being said, don't be afraid to get picky in restaurants- especially when nutritional info is not readily available. You can request that things be grilled/ baked with no oil/sauce, or ask for any sauce on the side so you control the portion. You are still free to enjoy all the things you like, it's just really important that you are in control of how much you shove in your face :)

It's a glorious Friday and I'm happy the weekend is here. I hope you have a fabulous weekend. Think about what I've said and make sure you try to get some activity in even if it's just a leisurely walk. With the weather getting nicer there's no excuse to be stuck inside on your behind!

Much love <3


Yummy Breakfast Burrito Well Worth the Points+

A quick and easy breakfast recipe, this Breakfast Burrito is not only filling, it has just 6 Points + for the entire burrito. Bulked up with good for you ingredients, this breakfast burrito will give you lots of bang for your buck. And the 37g of protein and 13g of fiber help you feel very satisfied and full until lunch. It also makes a great healthy lunch or dinner idea too, if you are the kind of person who likes traditional breakfast recipes for lunch or dinner. Feel free to get creative with this vegetarian burrito recipe and add in any other veggies of your choice. You can really have a lot of fun with this! They also freeze well, so make a few burritos and freeze individually in freezer bags for a quick and convenient healthy breakfast. Enjoy!

Breakfast Burrito Recipe

A perfect healthy and satisfying Breakfast Burrito Recipe that is loaded with protein and fiber, yet low carb and low fat. It’s tasty and Weight Watchers friendly with just 6 Points + for the entire burrito.



  • 1 Light Flatout Flatbread (whole wheat pita is great as well)
  • 3 egg whites (use one whole egg add 2 Points+)
  • 1 handful baby spinach leaves
  • 1/4 cup canned black beans, cooked
  • 1/4 cup fat free feta cheese (0% Greek yogourt is even better as you can take 1 Points+ away)
  • 2 tbsp sun dried tomatoes
  • Salt and pepper to taste (I don't find I need any salt)
  • You can add Salsa for 0 Points+ :)



  1. Spray a medium sized non-stick skillet with nonfat cooking spray and set over medium high heat.
  2. Scramble egg whites, until cooked through and add in a bit of salt and pepper to taste. Fold in feta cheese.
  3. Lay Flatout Flatbread onto plate and cover with spinach.
  4. Spoon eggs, black beans, and sun dried tomatoes onto flatbread, roll up, and serve immediately.

Preparation time: 5 minute(s)
Cooking time: 8 minute(s)
Diet type: Vegetarian
Number of servings: 1
Culinary tradition: Mexican
Serving size is entire burrito
Each serving: 6 Points +
PER SERVING: ~298 calories; 3g fat; 28g carbohydrates; 37g protein; 13g fiber

April 19, 2012

Welcome :)

Hi for the 1st time!

Good evening readers,

Welcome and thanks for reading :) I decided to start a blog to document my journey in shedding the things in my life that I feel are holding me back. Last night, I had a dream and saw myself as a much larger, unhappy person than I am right now. I decided that even though this was not a whole truth, that it very well could become a reality if I don't start making some positive changes now.

After my initial welcome post, I decided that the best approach to documenting my efforts will be to simply account my day, and include any thought or feelings that I've had in conjunction with some reminisces of my past, all the way back to childhood. In reaching my goal to improve my quality of life in all aspects, I hope more than anything that while following my posts, that you're able to take something from it that will help to improve your life; whether this be you trying a new recipe, or taking one of my thoughts and implementing it in your own life some how.

I'm just about through reading "I Got This" by the fabulous Jennifer Hudson, and this blog is also my homage to her and the journey she's living.  I was truly inspired by her thoughts and wisdom and can really relate to everything she's been through in some aspect. I felt so strongly that I decided to start the Points Plus system today to help me deal with my food issues. I did a lot of research and this seems to be exactly what they say: put in the work and effort and you will see results. No BS, no gimmicks. I thoroughly enjoy simplicity in major life changes- we all have enough complicated in our lives already don't we?

I think that by keeping a written record of my experiences, it will be therapeutic to my day and will also make me accountable to myself and all of you. I welcome any feedback, whether it be positive or negative. I look forward to hearing from you as the weeks and months come and go. If you find reading this to be helpful, all I ask is that you share it with someone whom you think will benefit in an effort to pay it forward.

Peace and love everyone- looking forward to the start of a huge change!
